The Grist Mill Foundation is excited to launch a new recognition program by providing plaques on the wood slab benches around the picturesque Grist Mill historic site.
A celebration plaque can be presented to commemorate or to memorialize. Some suggestions include:
- To celebrate a birthday or anniversary
- To recognize a special event
- To honour a loved one
- To remember a beloved pet
A minimum donation of $500 would include a 3”x 6” custom engraved plaque, installation into a bench, maintenance of bench and administrative costs.

Interested parties should reach out to for an application form. Once the application is approved, the applicant will be informed and full payment is due to be paid to The Grist Mill Foundation either by cash or cheque. A sales/tax receipt will be issued.
The GM Foundation will arrange for the inscription and mounting of the plaque. Please allow 30 days for the plaque to be installed.
Grist Mill public amenities are intended to enhance the use and enjoyment of all visitors to the site therefore:
- Donors are encouraged to choose plaque wording that is positive and respectful in tone
- Bench and surrounding areas may not be further embellished by the donor or their representatives
- Placement of the bench is at the discretion of site management but the donor may choose from available benches
- The bench itself remains the property of the Grist Mill site
- The GM Foundation will maintain the plaque and replace or repair it in case of theft or vandalism