The Grist Mill is a place of flowing energy and flowing grain – becoming flour. Since all the equipment is interconnected it represents the beginnings of industrial automation. When the mill was built in 1877, it produced coarse floor from a cast-iron grinder, while in 1881 much desired white flour was made with the addition of two stone roller grinders. Flour was then made in three stages of grinding with sifting in between each stage.
Upper Floor: Power from the water wheel is transmitted through a system of belts and pulleys. Grain was first weighed then poured down a central chute to the cleaning machine. Next, a bucket elevator lifted cleaned grain to the first grinder, followed by the sifting machine.
Lower Floor: The upright wooden Eureka cleaning machine separates wheat, dust and chaff. On the grinding platform are also two grinders with mill stones to produce fine flour. Along the east wall, are several flour bins fed by chutes from the sifter upstairs.
Water Wheel: The backshot wheel and flume were reconstructed in 1984, based on archaeological work that uncovered the historic foundation timbers beneath 20 cm of silt.