During this exceptional time, we’ve decided to bring our heritage site to you. Through the fall and winter, we’re going to be making a series of live broadcasts exploring different aspect of this beautiful, fascinating place. We might work in the garden together, explore boxes of old things, make something special or take a tour. We’re calling this experiment GristMill.TV.
For now, our goal is to do one live broadcast every Saturday, starting at 10AM. Truth is, we have so many topics we want to share with you (over a hundred, just from our first brainstorming session) that we expect to be also releasing pre-recorded videos several times a week, once we get the hang of this.
You can find these live broadcasts on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/OldGristMill/ and our previous broadcasts on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/c/GristMillGardensKeremeos. (We’ve already done forty live videos this year, during the spring lock-down…)
The best way to you can support us through this is to buy a Seasons Pass to the site–even if you live far away! We don’t receive operating funding from any level of government and all our usual ways to make money are unavailable to us at the moment (admission fees, meals in the restaurant, campground fees, event tickets, etc) but we still have bills to pay. Your help is greatly appreciated!
Thanks so much and we can’t wait to show you around!
Some of our past episodes include:
If you’re a teacher and would like us to present directly to your class through a Zoom.us meeting or similar, please get in touch!
Nov 7 – Welcome to GristMill.TV! Let’s start our new series with some introductions, a quick tour and a fun recipe! |
Nov 14 – Thinking Ahead to Christmas It may seem like Christmas is a long time away, but we’re only a week away from a very important part of the traditional Christmas season: Mix Up Sunday. Join us as we start our own preparations for the holiday season! |
Nov 21 – TBA Details Coming Soon |
Way to go Chris. So cool.
Can you show us how to seed spinach?