Grist Mill Preserves
Showing 25–48 of 154 results
Crabapple Jelly – 110ml
$7.00 -
Dill Pickle Relish – 375ml
$10.00 -
Grainy Mustard – 375ml
$10.00 -
Grainy Mustard (w / horseradish) – 375ml
$7.00 -
Green Relish – 500ml
Sale! Original price was: $10.00.$6.00Current price is: $6.00. -
Green Tomato Ketchup – 12oz
$12.00 -
Heritage Apple Chips
$6.00 – $10.00Processed by our friends at Sun Valley Treats in nearby Cawston, these delightful apple chips are made from a mix of many of the nearly 100 varieties of heritage apples we have at the Grist Mill, meaning every chip is a different size, colour and flavour. Partial proceeds of buying these chips go to support out work to protect and preserve these unusual heritage varieties of apple..
Hot Mess Pickles – 375ml
$10.00 -
Hotter Mess Pickles – 375ml
$10.00Like our popular “Hot Mess” Pickles, this is a bread and butter-style pickle with onions, although this version has a twist: a piece of Ghost Pepper in every jar. These are spicy–you’ve been warned.
Showing 25–48 of 154 results