Wedding Fair Vendor Form

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The Grist Mill and Gardens is excited to host the first ever Similkameen Wedding Fair! The Similkameen is a beautiful gem of a location for couples seeking to celebrate their commitments to each other and we want to highlight the BEST of the valley. This will be a good opportunity for couples out of the area to source as many businesses in one location. We expect this to be a big success by drawing more people to enjoy this special valley for upcoming wedding seasons.

We are calling out to wedding related vendors/venues to apply on our website as soon as possible as there is limited space available. 75%+ of vendor fees will be used towards extensive and broad promotion of this event because the success of the vendors reflect on the success of this event. This will be a pre-ticketed event and each guest will be given a grab bag at the door.

About Your Business

Are there any other social media platforms you’d like us to link to?
Business Address
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

About Your Offerings

Tell us about what sorts of wedding-related products or services you offer.
Click or drag files to this area to upload.You can upload up to 6 files.
Images we can use to promote your business’ offerings. Please provide at least one image in landscape format.
Vendor Category
Please select all that apply

About Our Event

How would you like to be involved?
Specific Preferences

Your Contact Info

This is for us to use for event organization only and won’t be shared publicly.
This is for us to use for event organization only and won’t be shared publicly.

Thank you for all your information; we’ll be in touch soon to confirm your involvement in this event!